Your presenters will be:
Alex Hughes
Michelle Lapare
Nisha Mistry
Julia Adams
Katie Osborne
Ben Pickering
Emma Stenfalt
Kati Khambata
Gemma Vernon
Alex Hughes
Michelle Lapare
Nisha Mistry
Julia Adams
Katie Osborne
Ben Pickering
Emma Stenfalt
Kati Khambata
Gemma Vernon
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and see the fantastic self-generated CPD learning experiences happening all over the World.
and see the fantastic self-generated CPD learning experiences happening all over the World.
Close to you is the Teachmeet at
The National College
Learning & Conference Centre
Triumph Road, Nottingham, NG8 1DH
20 May, 20011, 18.30 - 21.00
Alex Hughes's Podcasting notes:
What is podcasting?
In simple terms the recording of audio tracks and uploading them regularly to the internet to be viewable by any one with access to the net.
Why podcast?
There are a range of reasons to podcast:
1. To give children’s work and audience and purpose, something a lot of tasks lack! Anyone on the internet can see the work, this helps raise the standard of work.
2. To allow family and friends to see children’s work – developing home-school links
3. To integrate ICT into your classroom and across the entire curriculum
4. To encourage independence; were children can record their own work autonomously without a teacher’s help
5. To encourage peer to peer feedback through comments on work (with the teacher or class as moderator)
6. To develop speaking and listening skills
7. Build team work by working in pairs or small groups
How can you do this?
It really is very simple, go to and sign up, this takes about 1 minute and only needs your email address for moderation.
The site will run you through how to make your page suitably secure and how to ensure all comments are moderated first.
You can choose a username; for example mine was UJS(Uplands Junior School)
Then you are ready to upload your recordings!
To record you can use any computer microphone - £4 from Wilko, £15 for a Logitech one online.
All computers have the basic ‘Sound recorder’ but a much better program is Audacity, free to download and install. This lets you record, edit and export sound as an mp3 or WAV (follow the instructions on the site). Alternately convert them from WAV to mp3 using a free converter -
It is important that you go through e-safety before starting a project like this. I found a really important rule was ensuring children only use their first names.
I sent out a parental consent slip both for permission and to try and get the parents commenting on and listening to the work
Does it work?
In my class on TE2 I started by spending one literacy modelling then getting the children to show the class how to record their interviews etc.
From then on the children learnt and were able to record their own tracks without my help.
We only had two computers in the class room including the teachers
I used 2 Wilkinson microphones but you could use easy speaks or Dictaphones.
The children in my class took on roles and did interviews for the Victorians in history, recorded ostinatos in the music lessons, book reviews of their reading books, they recorded the best poems from their literacy lesson and a podcast on ‘what is friendship’ in circle time/PSHE. I had children supporting others work the software, I recorded an interview with a child with sever learning difficulties.
All of these can be listened to online and you can comment on the work to motivate the pupils.
If you want to give purpose to your children’s work and integrate ICT into your classroom to allow links between home and school, try podcasting. It’s easy!
Nisha's Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Subject: ICT/Science................. ................. Date: 08/03/2011 ........... ........... Class Group: Year 5.................
Key Objectives: Using Data loggers to enhance learning........... ........... Professional Development Focus: Teaching Strategies – ICT, Group, Discussion...........
Action Points from Previous Activities/Lessons (Note any management or teaching issues to which you referred in the previous lesson's evaluation) The children do not know what is in the black boxes - Children have not been introduced to using data loggers before so will need to demonstrate how they work. Children have covered a topic of data handling within numeracy and so are familiar with the use of Excel to create graphs. | |
Learning Objectives and Success Criteria: LO - To use data loggers to monitor the sound levels around the school SC: I can take readings using a data logger. I can recognise that sound levels can be recorded and that some are higher and some are lower. I know that sound is measured in decibels I can present data and discuss what I have found. | |
Monitoring of Learning (How will you know that the children have learnt what you intended?) Children will be observed during group discussions. Children will record their findings using the Log It software and upload their data onto a shared area so that the data can be compared by all of the class. Plenary questions – assessment for learning questions | |
Preparation of Resources (Include health and safety issues) Log It hand held monitors – check they work, replace batteries if need be. Check each PC has necessary software to upload data Recording Sheet – collaborative working A3 sheet with post it notes PowerPoint on data loggers | |
Support Focus (What role will learning support staff play in the children’s learning?) Children will be organised on groups of 3’s and 4’s in mixed ability groups – teacher and volunteer to work with groups who require support and guidance. | |
Introduction (Include Times, Key Vocabulary, Key Questions, and Targets for Observation and Assessment) Share the learning objective with the class. They are going to use the computer and a piece of equipment called a data logger to measure the sound levels within the school and compare it with their friends. • Look at pictures on the PowerPoint – what are they showing? How has the data been collected? How has it been displayed? What time scales have been used? | Post Lesson Assessment Notes |
Main activities differentiated (Include Times, Key Vocabulary, Key Questions, and Targets for Observation and Assessment) Next 3 slides of the PowerPoint looking at data logging using a computer and data logger. • Ask the questions “What is sensing, monitoring and data logging?”, “why use a computer?” and “what can be measured?” before ‘revealing’ the answers so to gauge the children’s understanding. • Demonstrate to the children how the data logger works and explain to them the way in which sound levels can be recorded. Set the rules for the next part of the lesson: Every table who manages to follow instructions – stop on cue will be awarded house points• Demonstrate to the children how the data logger works and explain to them the way in which sound levels can be recorded. Start the interface to start recording the sound. Ask the children to be silent. Then model with a child a conversation. Then ask the class to all talk in partners about what they expect the logger to record the sound level when they all are talking. Ask the class to be silent and then ask them to make the loudest shout “Class 5SB are the best!” Set the class to silence. Upload the data on IWB, pause after talk partner section to get children to get children back into talk partners to discuss the peaks on the graph? How many decibels do they think the shouting was recorded at? – The amount of decibels increased when the class were set an instruction, why? Assign an area of school for each group to go and visit to record the level of sound for 1 minute. Groups return to ICT suite to upload their readings onto the shared working area. Children to print of their own reading in graph form. Children to discuss the graph findings. Make comparisons and discuss making conclusions about the levels of sound in each area. What do they conclude? | Post Lesson Assessment Notes |
Plenary (Include Times, Key Vocabulary, Key Questions, and Targets for Observation and Assessment) Review and recall: Bring the class together and review learning objective. · Which area of the school had the loudest noise? How do we know this? · Which area of the school had the least amount of noise? How do we know this? · The results we have collected would they be the same if we collected them again? · What could we do to improve this experiment? · What did you notice on your data logger when you moved around the school? · There were 2 ways the data was presented. What were they? Which was easier to read? · What would an alternative way of recording the level of noise in school? · Why is a computer a better way of recording this data? Extension: When could we use an experiment like this in real life? What other information can be recorded using a data logger? | Post Lesson Assessment Notes |
Evaluative Notes |
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